2025 Wenshan Conference
The English Department of National Chengchi University and the Emily Dickinson International Society (EDIS) will jointly host the 2025 International Conference “Dickinson and Ecologies” this June (19-22 June 2025). This four-day event will bring together hundreds of distinguished scholars, translators, artists, writers, and educators from Taiwan and abroad. Besides 30 conference panels, the organizing committee has carefully curated various activities, including plenary roundtable discussions with poets, translators, eco-critical researchers, and Dickinson scholars, two botanical tours of the NCCU campus, music performances with the local drumming group the U-Theater, poetry readings, various workshops, as well as the Critical Institute for young scholars, educators, artists, and writers. This conference offers a unique opportunity for scholarly exchange, environmental conversations, creative expression, and cultural enrichment. We are currently finalizing the detailed program and we heartily invite all poetry and nature lovers from around the world to register and participate in the event!
Date: June 19–22, 2025
Venue: National Chengchi University (CICII NCCU)
Conference Title: Dickinson and Ecologies
Registration Link: https://edis.press.jhu.edu/membership/conference
No charge for Taiwanese University Faculty/Student Registration before March 31, 2025
Our Official Website: https://2025edisinwenshan.wordpress.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2025wenshanedisofficial/
Email: nccu2025wenshanedis@outlook.com