Title: Harnessing AI Tools to Elevate Writing Skills in EFL: A Workshop for Educators
Time: 10:00~12:00, May 13th, 2024 (Mon)
Venue: 台北市文山區指南路二段64號國立政治大學,季陶樓309教室
Speaker: Michael Cheng, Jing-Fen Su (鄭傳傑老師、蘇靖棻老師)
Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/D7MoQMvxqnPqrMEc9
Online form: Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/oix-bqyg-iyq
This workshop is tailored for educators who are interested in exploring the practical applications of AI tools to enhance writing instruction.
Current and future language instructors will learn how to use AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to create a learning environment where each student benefits from a personalized tutor, adept at guiding them through the writing process—from initial brainstorming to the final revisions. In addition, participants will have hands-on practice in creating custom chatbots with ChatGPT 4.
Both theoretical perspectives and practical activities will be used to teach how to effectively use AI tools for creating engaging writing prompts, providing immediate feedback, and cultivating a collaborative learning atmosphere. The session will explore strategies to encourage responsible use of AI tools, aiming to enhance students’ writing skills while fostering their critical thinking and creativity.
This workshop is designed not merely to teach writing but to reimagine the possibilities of incorporating cutting-edge methodologies into the EFL classroom.