1. 本課程藉由服務平溪的十分國小學童,讓大學生參與偏鄉弱勢兒童生活及學業的改善。
2. 本課程藉由實地到平溪的十分國小服務,讓政大學生體驗助人的實際參與,讓政大學業資源享有優勢的大學生瞭解台灣學生及社會的城鄉差距,進而提高其對弱勢族群的關懷及參與改造。
My experience with this activity was very gratifying. Despite previously having volunteered in similar projects with elementary schools in Taiwan, and perhaps therefore being, less nervous compared to my peers, still it was a rather special experience as the kids were really energetic and active throughout the whole day. During the preparation of the activity when I was told the kids would be quite excited to see a foreigner coming to their school and teach them English, I thought I would just see the reactions I am already used to. However, this time the students were, as they would say in Chinese “特別” excited. Once the activity finished I was able to talk with some of the kids and they told me how this along with the time when the first group visited the school it was the first occasion they had foreign teachers coming to their school to teach them English. This gave me a very long sense of gratitude and fulfillment, as I was glad that our participation left a mark in the school and I hope this will mark the initiation of a new tradition in the school.
This activity will definitely stay close to our hearts. It helped me get further perspective at how the learning system is for children here in Taiwan. Through the existence of this kind of activities, many children are given opportunities that they would not have otherwise. In my case, this will be a moment of my stay in Taiwan that I will never forget, as it was my last college activity before graduation, and it definitely will represent a good memory.