楊健威 Chien-wei Yang*, 2020.06, 'From Passion to Affection: Milton's System of Emotion in Paradise Lost, ' Tamkang Review, Vol.50, No.2, pp.81-104.(THCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
楊健威 Chien-wei Yang*, 2017.09, '異化、歸化與語言權力關係: 米爾頓《失樂園》兩種譯本翻譯策略比較/Foreignization, Domestication, and Power Relations among Languages: Translation Strategies in Two Chinese Translations of Paradise Lost, ' 廣譯:語言.文學.與文化翻譯, No.15, pp.159-86.(*為通訊作者)
楊健威*, 2020.07, '“Free from Gross Passion”: Medicalized Passions in Shakespeare, ' to be confirmed, TACMRS, pp.to be confirmed.(to be confirmed)(*為通訊作者)
楊健威*, 2019.07, '“My Heart Hath Been a Storehouse long of things”: The Passionless Son in Paradise Regained, ' To be confirmed, The Milton Society of America, pp.To be confirmed.(To be confirmed)(*為通訊作者)
楊健威*, 2018.10, 'From Passions to Affections: Divine Emotions in Paradise Lost, ' 2018 TACMRS Conference, TACMRS.(*為通訊作者)
楊健威*, 2018.08, '“A thing to laugh to scorn”: Subversive and Virtual Laughters on an Isle, ' Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2018, Association for Cultural Studies.(*為通訊作者)
楊健威 Chien-wei Yang*, 2017.06, '禁忌、文本移植、翻譯實踐:《西行漫記》的兩岸移動/Taboo, Transplanted text, and Translation Practices: Red Star over China and Translation Travel, ' 第21屆口筆譯教學國際學術研討會, Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation.(*為通訊作者)
楊健威*, 2016.03, '翻譯與歸化:兩種《失樂園》中譯版本比較, ' 第六屆翻譯與跨文化國際學術研討會,主題:世界文學經典之詮釋與跨文化溝通, College of Foreign Languages.(*為通訊作者)
楊健威 Chien-wei Yang*, 2015.10, 'Implementing a Collaborative and Simulation Writing Task in an EBP Writing Course: Instructor’s Observation and Students’ Feedback, ' The Second Conference on Foreign Language Teaching, College of Foreign Languages.(*為通訊作者)