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吳承翰 助理教授級約聘教學人員
職稱 助理教授級約聘教學人員
校內分機 67072
電子郵件 chw5940@nccu.edu.tw
類別 專任
研究專長 雙語思維及應用、雙語影音媒體溝通
  • 吳承翰*, 2020.12, 'Further Beyond the Threshold: Desublimation in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man, ' Literary Crisis: Romanticism Before and After, National Chengchi U.(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳承翰*, 2020.11, 'Matthew Lewis’ Gothicizing Looking-Glass; or, His Gothic Project(ion) of the Non-British Other in The Monk, ' The Eighth Annual Graduate Students’ Conference on British and American Literature and Culture. National Chung Hsing U, National Chung Hsing U.(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳承翰*, 2019.10, 'The Female Grotesque in Toni Morrison’s Beloved, ' The Gothic Spaces, University of Tokyo.(*為通訊作者)
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