- 張郇慧*, 2020.06, '台灣華語慈法, ' 華文世界,.(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- 張郇慧*, 2020.02, '太陽依舊升起: Myaamia語的研究、教育、推廣三角關係, ' 原教界, Vol.2020.02, No.91, pp.8-9.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧*, 2019.12, '語推運動二三事, ' 原教界, Vol.2019.12, No.90, pp.38-41.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧*, 2013.02, '評論<達悟語辭典>, ' 原教界, Vol.2013.2, No.49, pp.60-61.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧*, 2012.06, '語言的在地化與全球化:評論《全球華語詞典》的詞彙收錄, ' 華語文教學研究, Vol.9, No.2, pp.97-102.(THCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧, 2010.12, '巴拿馬中巴文化中心中山學校/華文世界, ' 華文世界, No.106, pp.107-110.
- 張郇慧*, 2010.04, '阿美族生活圖解小辭典布農族生活圖解小辭典, ' 原教界, No.32, pp.68-71.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧, 2010.03, '辭典的編輯與語言、文化議題:評論兩本族語小辭典, ' 原教界,.
- 張郇慧, 1996, 'Spoken or Written?: a case study of written features in oral text, ' The Journal of National Chengchi University, Vol.72, pp.459-479.
- 張郇慧 Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1992, 'Thematic structure and verb copying in Mandarin Chinese, ' Language Science, Vol.13, pp.399-419.
- 張郇慧, 1992, 'Thematic Structure and Verb Copying in Mandarin Chinese, '.
- 張郇慧, 1989, '楊麗花歌仔戲劇本和台詞比較, '.
- 張郇慧, 'On V-V Compounds and Serial Verb Consturctions: an interaction perspective, '.
- 張郇慧, 'V-V compounds in Mandarin Chinese: argument structure and semantics, '.
- 張郇慧, '從國語中的多義談語法與語義之互動, '.
- 張郇慧, 'Cocompounds in Mandarin Chinese: with special emphasis in resultative verb compounds, '.
- 張郇慧, 'Verb copying: Toward a Balance between Formalism and Functionalism, '.
- 張郇慧*, 2017.09, '從構詞原則看兩岸的詞彙結構與語言發展, ' 第十屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會, 華中師範大學第十屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧*, 2017.04, '從構詞原則看兩岸的詞彙結構與語言發展, ' 第十屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會, 華中師範大學第十屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧*, 2015.02, '台灣華語詞彙與詞法, ' 第七屆兩岸華語文教學研究生論壇, 湖南師範大學.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧, 2011.08, '漢語介詞:說「向」與「對」, ' 首屆兩岸華文教師論壇, 廣州暨南大學.
- 張郇慧, 2010.10, '從身體部位及顏色談台灣南島語的類型, ' 2010台灣原住民族語言與教學研討會, 台東大學原住民教育中心.
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 2004.05, 'Corpus and linguistic analysis: variation of relative clauses across genre and register, ' 第二屆語言學研究方法研討會論文集, 國立政治大學語言學研究所. 參考連結
- 張郇慧, 2002.04, '華語口語語法與書面語法中結構之差異:以篇正結構為例, ' 華語師資培訓與語法教學研討會, 國立中山大學. 參考連結
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1999, 'A marriage with science: corpora and translation and interpretation research., ' Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Translation Studies., National Taiwan Normal University..
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1998.12, '1998 Application of CLC-based studies and its implication: a case study on interpretation strategies for novice Mandarin-English interpreters, ' The First International Conference on Computerized Learners Corpus, University of Hong Kong. 參考連結
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1997, 'Written and spoken linguistic features in interpretation., ' The First International Conference on Translation Studies, National Taiwan Normal University.
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1997, 'Problems and issues in interpretation: exploring learners corpus, ' Proceedings of the 14th Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China., National Taiwan Normal University. 參考連結
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1996.11, 'Development of T & I profession in Taiwan: Academics and Industry., ' Proceedings of XIV World Congress of the Federation Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT), Federation Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT), pp.799-809.
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1996.10, 'Linguistic features in written and spoken Mandarin: interaction between form and function., ' In Proceedings of the 5th International symposium of Chinese Languages and Linguistics..
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1996, 'Speech strategies: comparing written and spoken languages., ' The Fourth Conference on Researching Teaching English Literature and Language and Computer Information.
- 張郇慧, 1995.05, '兩本雙語辭典之比較兼論辭典的編纂., ' 台灣閩南語論文集., 國立清華大學, pp.337-348..
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1995, 'A Corpus-based analysis of linguistic features in written and spoken English., ' The Third Conference on Researching Teaching English Literature and Language and Computer Information..
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1995, 'Cyberspace of knowledge: the impact of internet on the translation profession., ' the 5th International Conference on Translation.
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1993.08, 'Complex stative construction: resultative or descriptive?, ' Proceedings of the First Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics, The Computational Linguistics Society of R.O.C., pp.50-61.. 參考連結
- 張郇慧, 1993, 'Complex Stative Construction: resultative or Descriptive ?, ' The First Pacific--Asia Conference on Format & Conputational Linguistics. 參考連結
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1992.11, 'On V-V compounds and serial verb constructions: an interaction perspective., ' Annual Meeting of Chinese Language Teachers Association, Chinese Language Teachers Association.
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1992.07, 'Interaction between syntax and semantics: with reference to measure words., ' Tthe First International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, June 24-26, 1992, Singapore., International Linguistics Association.
- 張郇慧, 'Compound Verbs & Serial Verb Constructions, ' An Interactive Perspective Chinese Lnaguage Teachers Association Annual Meeting.
- 張郇慧, 'Cyberspace of Knowledge : the impact of internet to the translation profession, ' 5th International conference on Translation.
- 張郇慧, 'Complex Verbs and Argument Structure: interaction between syntax and morphology, ' The Second North East conference of Chinese Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania.
- 張郇慧, 'Resultative Verb Compounds--an alternative analysis, ' 22nd International Confernece on Sino-Tibetan Languages & Linguistics.
- 張郇慧, 'Verb Copying: Toward a Balance between Formalisam and Functionalism, ' Annal Meeting of Chinese Language Teachers Association.
- 張郇慧, 'On Serial Verbs in Mandarin Chinese: V-V Compounds and Co-verbial Phrases, ' Ohio State MiniConference on Serial Verbs.
- 張郇慧, 'Interaction between Syntax and Semantics: with reference to measure words, ' First International Conference on Chinese Linguistics. 參考連結
- 張郇慧, 'Spoken or Written?: a case study of written features in oral texts, ' International Conference on Technologies in teaching and learning Chinese.
- 張郇慧, '兩本雙語辭典之比較兼論辭典的編彙, '.
- 張郇慧, 'Development of T & I Profession in Taiwan: Academics and Industry, ' XIV World Congress of the Federation Internationale Des Traducteurs (FIT).
- 張郇慧, 'Speech Strategies: comparing spoken and written languages, ' 4th Conference of English Teaching/Research and Computer Information.
- 張郇慧, 'A Corpus-based Analysis of Linguistic Features in Written and Spoken English, ' 3th Conference of English Teaching/Research and Computer Information, English Teacher Association. 參考連結
- 張郇慧*, 2018.06, '民族學界, '.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧*, 2012.05, '華語句法新論(上), ' 華語教學, 正中書局.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧, 2000.06, '雅美語參考語法, ' 台灣南島語言系列, 遠流出版事業股份有限公司.
- 張郇慧, 1991.05, 'Interaction between syntax and morphology: a Mandarin Chinese case., '.
- 張郇慧, 1991, 'I nteraction between syntax and morphology: a Mandarin Chinese case, '.
- 張郇慧;鄭良偉, 1989, '國語常用虛詞及其台語對應詞釋例, ' 文鶴出版有限公司.
- 張郇慧, 1987.02, 'Interaction between syntax and Morphology: a Mandarin Chinese case, ' University of Hawaii.
- 張郇慧, '華語句法新論(上), ' 對外華語文教學研究叢書, 中正書局, pp.1-147.
- 張郇慧*, 2017.03, '台灣華語詞法, ' 全球華語文語法, 華中師範學院, pp.未定.(*為通訊作者)
- 張郇慧, 2008.10, '漢語動賓結構的四字成語:語法、語意及語用, ' 一步一腳印:鄭良偉教授榮退論文集, 文鶴出版社, pp.107-118.
- 張郇慧, 2002.06, '蘇格蘭語:一個借鏡。台灣研究通訊10: 128-139. 清華大學人文社會學院台灣研究室。, ' 台灣研究通訊。, 清華大學人文社會學院台灣研究室.
- 張郇慧, 1996, 'A corpus-based analysis of linguistic features in written and spoken English, ' English Teachers'' Association. 參考連結
- Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1993, 'V-V compounds in Mandarin Chinese: Argument structure and semantics, ' Word formation in Chinese.
- 張郇慧, 0000, 'V-V compounds in Mandarin Chinese: argument structure and semantics, '.
- 張郇慧*;林慶隆, 2013.10, '台灣華語文教育發展:機構篇, ' 國家教育研究院.(*為通訊作者)
- 鄭恆雄;張郇慧;程玉秀;顧英秀, 2002.09, '大學入學考試中心高中英文參考詞彙表, ' 大考中心.
- 鄭恆雄;張郇慧;程玉秀, 2002, ' 大學入學考試中心英文常用詞彙表編修研究計畫(指定科目), ' 大學入學考試中心.
- 鄭恆雄;張郇慧;程玉秀, 2001, '大學入學考試中心英文常用詞彙表編修研究計畫(學科能力), ' 大學入學考試中心.
- 張郇慧;尤雪瑛;劉美君;Alan, 2000, '大學入學考試中心八十九年度英文命題實驗計畫學科能力測驗研究報告, ' 大學入學考試中心.
- 張郇慧 Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1998.07, 'Complex structure in Yami language: an interaction between thematic structure and syntactic structure, ' 國科會.
- 張郇慧, 1998, 'Complex structure in Yami language: an interaction between thematic structure and syntactic structure, National Science Council NSC 86-2411-H-004-016, ' 國科會.
- 張郇慧 Claire Hsun-huei Chang, 1997.07, 'Yami verbs: an analysis based on the thematic structure, ' 國科會.
- 張郇慧, 1997, 'On thematic structure of Yami verbs, '.
- 張郇慧, 1997, 'Yami verbs: An analysis based on the thematic structure, ' 國科會.
- 張郇慧, 1995.02, 'The relationship between linguistic studies and interpretation., ' Korean Foundation.
- 張郇慧, 0000, '雅美語的複雜句結構:論旨結構與句法結構的互動, '.
- 張郇慧, '雅美語的動詞初探:以論旬結構為主之分析, ' 國科會.
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- 張郇慧
- 2015年09月~2017年12月
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