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陳音頤 特聘教授
職稱 特聘教授
校內分機 88129
電子郵件 evachen@nccu.edu.tw
辦公地點 研究250745
類別 專任
研究專長 十九世紀世紀末英國文學,現代派小說,文化研究和通俗文學(偵探小說和浪 漫小說),女性和城市文學
  • 陳音頤*, 2020.04, '"'Pretty Women Don't Drive': Early Women Motorists and the Taming of the Motor Car, ' Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol.49, No.2, pp.149-79..(AHCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2019.10, '“The Hate that Changed:’ Cycling Romance and the Aestheticization of Women Cyclists in the 1890s.”, ' VIctorian Periodicals Review, Vol.52, No.3, pp.489-517.(AHCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2017.12, '"Its Beauty, Danger and Feverish Thrill": Speed and Cycling Women in Fin-de-siecle Literature", ' MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, Vol.63, No.4, pp.602-627.(AHCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤 Eva Chen*, 2017.09, 'Freedom or Constraint: The Speeding Bicycle and the Industrial Subject in H. G. Wells’s The Wheels of Chance, ' Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol.45, No.2, pp.433-47.(AHCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2016.12, '“’Power Femininity’ and Popular Women’s Magazine in China.”, ' International Journal of Communication, Vol.10, No.June, pp.2831-2852.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2016, '“’Rather Above Her Station’: Dress and Mass Fashion in George Gissing’s In the Year of Jubilee.”, ' Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (AHCI)., Vol.45, No.6, pp.534-548.(AHCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2016, '“Its Prohibitive Cost: The Bicycle, the New Woman and Conspicuous Display.”, ' Journal of Language, Literature and Culture (Australia), Vol.64.1, No.1, pp.1-17.(AHCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2013.12, 'Dobbin’s Corduroys: Clothes and Modes of Masculinities in William Thackeray’s Vanity Fair, ' The Victorians: A Journal of Literature and Culture (Victorian Newsletter), Vol.124, pp.32-53.(AHCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2013.11, 'Fashioning the Cosmopolitan Girl: Sartorial Display and Technologies of Femininity in the Chinese Bestseller Du Lala, ' Fashion Theory, Vol.17, No.5, pp.553-578.(AHCI) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2013.08, 'Neoliberalism and Popular Women''s Culture: Rethinking Choice and Agency, ' European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol.16, No.4, pp.440-452.(AHCI)
  • 陳音頤, 2012.06, '"Shanghai(ed) Babies: Geopolitics, Biopolitics and the Global Chick Lit.”, ' Feminist Media Studies, Vol.12, No.2, pp.214-228.(MLA)
  • 陳音頤, 2012.06, 'Hawksmoor''s Churches: Myth and Architecture in the Works of Iain Sinclair and Peter Ackroyd, ' Wenshan Review, Vol.0, No.0, pp.1-27.(THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 2011.06, '“Women, Labor and Technology in the Late Victorian Age: Typewriting in George Gissing’s The Odd Women and Grant Allen’s The Type-writer Girl.” NTU Studies in Languages and Literatures. (THCI Core)., ' NTU Studies in Languages and Literatures, Vol.25, No.2, pp.1-32.(THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 2010.03, '“Neoliberal Governance and Popular Postfeminism in Contemporary Anglo-American Chick Lit.” Concentric. NSC 98-2410-H-004-169-MY1., ' Concentric, Vol.36, No.1, pp.243-275.(AHCI, THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 2009.03, '“Shanghai Baby as a Chinese Chick-Lit: Female Empowerment and Neoliberal Consumerist Agency.”, ' Asian Journal of Women''s Studies, Vol.15, No.1, pp.54-93.(SSCI)
  • 陳音頤, 2008.06, 'New Woman Fiction and Fin de Siecle Urban Commodity Culture, ' 中山人文學報, Vol.25, pp.41-68.(MLA, 國科會外文學門一級期刊) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2007.12, 'Between teh Flaneur and the Badaud: Benjamin and the Modern Mass Perceptual Experience, ' 中山人文學報,.(MLA, 國科會外文學門一級刊物) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2006.05, 'Stalking the East End: Iain Sinclair''s White Chappell, Scarlet Tracings and Light Out for the Territory, ' 台大文史哲學報, No.64, pp.225-252.(MLA, THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 2004.12, '百貨公司夢想曲:女性展示、消費政治和世紀末倫敦小說, ' 中外文學,.(MLA, THCI Core) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2004.05, '回歸完整和渲染空缺:福爾摩斯偵探小說的雙向敘述驅力, ' 英美文學評論, Vol.00, No.06, pp.163-208.(MLA, THCI Core) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2004.05, '共謀、抵抗或是幻想:快感和通俗浪漫小說, ' 中外文學, Vol.32, No.12, pp.149-174.(MLA, THCI Core) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2004.01, 'D. H. Lawrence in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, ' Etudes Lawrenciennes, No.29, pp.109-138.(MLA) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2003.12, 'Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, ' Candadian Journal of Comparative Literature, Vol.30, No.3, pp.565-585.(MLA)
  • 陳音頤, 2003.06, '軋馬路、消費景觀和女性的現代市景:吉辛筆下世紀之交的倫敦城市小說, ' 中外文學, Vol.32, No.01, pp.71-108.(MLA, THCI Core) 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2002.07, '原始人作為雄性抑或陰柔的象徵?──論D. H. 勞倫斯原始主義的性別政治, ' 中外文學, Vol.31, No.02, pp.68-92.(MLA, THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 2002.02, '羞恥、身體和(女性)他者的凝視:勞倫斯的《戀愛中的女人, ' 中外文學, Vol.30, No.09, pp.201-226.(MLA, THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 2001.06, 'Primitive Masculinity and the Violence against Women: D. H. Lawrence''s Works in his Mexican Stage 1922-1925, ' Studies in Language and Literature(台大外文期刊), Vol.00, No.10, pp.129-172.(MLA, THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 2001.01, '從通俗冒險小說到迪斯尼卡通:《人猿泰山》裡的種族,陽剛和成長議題, ' 中外文學, Vol.29, No.08, pp.94-128.(MLA, THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 2000.08, '原始主義,帝國和個人之教義──D. H. 勞倫斯描述美國西南部印地安人的遊記, ' 中外文學, Vol.29, No.03, pp.058-087.(MLA, THCI Core)
  • 陳音頤, 1999.07, 'Naturalization and Conflicting Generic Conventions in Lady Chatterley''s Lover, ' Journal of Tunghai University, Vol.140, No.01, pp.65-105.
  • 陳音頤, 1998.09, 'Class, Language and Sexuality in D.H.Lawrence''s Lady Chatterley''s lover, ' Journal of Shi-Hsin University, Vol.0, No.8, pp.213-30.(TSSCI)
  • 陳音頤*, 2023.09, 'Time as the Fourth Dimension: H. G.Wells's The Time Machine, ' The 2023 British Victorian Studies Association Conference, University of Surrey.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2023.07, 'Free Will and Natural Determinism: The Two Cultures Debate and H. G. Wells's The Time Machine, ' The 2023 Victorian Popular Literature Association Conference Conference, Bishop Grosseteste University.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2018.07, 'The Hate that Changed: Cycling Romance and the Aestheticization of Women Cyclists, ' Victorian Popular Culture Association Conference 2017, University of London.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2017.07, '"The Speeding Bicycle and the Industrial Subject in H. G. Wells's The Wheel of Chance", ' Victorian Popular Culture Association Conference 2017, University of London.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2016.07, '“Speed, Bicycling and Sexual Stimulation: George Gissing’s ‘The Schoolmaster’s Vision.’”., ' Gissing and Place: Fifth International Gissing Conference., University of Bristol.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤, 2009.06, ' “Shanghai Baby and the Consumerist Postfeminist Subjectivity in Contemporary China.” Feminist Transitions: 22nd Feminist and Women’s Studies Association (UK and Ireland) Conference. Liverpool, UK., ' Feminist Transitions: 22nd Feminist and Women’s Studies Association (UK and Ireland) Conference., Feminist and Women’s Studies Association (UK and Ireland).(MLA)
  • 陳音頤, 2008.11, '2008/11/ “Ella Hepworth Dixon and Fin De Siecle New Woman Fiction.” ELLAK 2008 Conference. Onyang, Korea, ' ELLAK 2008 Conference, ELLAK 2008 Conference. Onyang, K.
  • 陳音頤, 2007.02, '2007/02. “Iain Sinclair and Literary Predecessors”. 2007 AULLA Conference. Sydney, Australia., ' 2007 AULLA Conference., 2007 AULLA Conference. Sydney, Australia..(MLA)
  • 陳音頤, 2005.03, '2005/03. “Trashy Women’s Magazines: Reading and Consumption of Cityscape in Some Turn-of-the-Century London Novels”. 36 Annual Conference of the US College English Association. Indianapolis, US. NSC 94-2914-I-004-010-A1., ' 36 Annual Conference of the US College English Association., College English Association, USA..(MLA)
  • 陳音頤, 2004.04, 'Pleasure and the Reading of Popular Romance, ' Annual National Conference of American Culture, Popular Culture Association. 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2003.06, 'D. H. Lawrence in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, ' The Ninth International D. H. Lawrence Conference, The Ninth International D. H. Lawrence Conference. 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2002.10, 'Streetwalking and the Construction of Female Spectatorship: George Gissing''s Turn-of-the Century Urban Novels, ' 第三屆文山評論國際學術研討會, 國立政治大學.
  • 陳音頤, 2002.06, 'Women Entering the Cityscape: Streetwalking, Consuming Spectatorship and George Gissing''s Turn-of-the-Century London Novels, ' Literary London: Representations of London in Literature, Literary London: Representations of London in Literature.
  • 陳音頤, 2001.12, 'Sherlock Holmes as Racial Shield and Paredigmatic Masculinity: Transgressions and Gaps Behind the Facade, ' 中華民國第九屆英美文學研討會, 國立政治大學.
  • 陳音頤, 2001.06, 'D. H. Lawrence and the Indian Captivity Narrative, ' The Eighth International D. H. Lawrence Conference, The Eighth International D. H. Lawrence Conference. 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2001.05, 'Shame and Narcissistic Self in Yu Dafu''s Sinking, ' International Conference on Subjectivity/Cultural Identity in An Age of Globalization., 世新大學英語系, 加拿大亞柏達大學東亞學系.
  • 陳音頤, 2001.05, '創傷,羞恥和自戀式憤怒-歷史創傷,性慾創傷和D.H 勞倫斯, ' 第25屆全國比較文學研討會, *. 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2000.05, '從通俗冒儉小說到迪斯尼卡通:《人猿泰山》裡的帝國,物種和陽剛議題, ' 第24屆全國比較文學研討會, 中央大學英文系. 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2000.05, 'The Primitive As Masculine or Feminine: The Sexual Politics of D. H. Lawrence''s Primitivism, ' Constructing Literature and Culture, 1914-1945 - Third Conference of The Space Between, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
  • 陳音頤, 1999.12, '原始人作為雄性抑或陰柔的象徵?--論D.H.勞倫斯原始主義的性別政治, ' 中華民國第七屆英美文學研討會, 東海大學英文系.
  • 陳音頤, 1999.03, 'Norm and Power in the Production and Reception of the 1936 Chinese Translation of Lady Chatterley''s Lover., ' The Second International Conference on Translation第二屆國際翻譯研討會, 國立師範大學翻譯研究所.
  • 陳音頤, 1998.11, 'Parody and Self-Reflection in D.H.Lawrence''s Lady Chatterley''s Lover, ' The Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching (ETA), 國立師範大學英語系.
  • 陳音頤, 1998, 'Class, Language and Sexuality in D.H.Lawrence''s Lady Chatterley''s Lover, ' The Seventh International D.H.Lawrence Conference, *.
  • 陳音頤*, 2023.12, 'The New Woman and Technologies of Speed in Fin-de-siecle Literature, ' 英國牛津大學出版社.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤*, 2016.10, 'Gadgets, Fashion Display and Material Strategies in the Turn-of-the-Century Novel, ' 政大出版社.(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤, 2013.11, 'D. H. Lawrence: New Perspectives, ' Crane Books. 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2012.10, 'Controversy, Censorship and Translation: The Chinese Reception of D. H. Lawrence''s Lady Chatterley''s Lover, ' Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • 陳音頤, 2007.03, 'Meandering Footsteps and Roving Eyes: Women, Commodity Culture and Turn-of-the-Century London in Gerorge Gissing''s London Novels, ' Bookman Books.
  • 陳音頤, 2000.12, 'Mapping the Primitive: Race, Gender and Sexuality in D. H. Lawrence s Writings on the Native Americans 1922-1925, ' Crane.
  • 陳音頤*, 2015.11, '“Erotic Pleasure and Postsocialist Female Sexuality: Contemporary Female ‘Body Writing’ in China.”, ' Women and Erotic Fiction: Critical Essays on Genres, Markets and Readers. Ed. Kristen Phillips., McFarland & Co, pp.79-98..(*為通訊作者)
  • 陳音頤, 2011.03, '“Contemporary London Gothic: Urban Space and the Return of the Past.” Gothic Crossings: Medieval to Postmodern. Eds. Ya-feng Wu and Hsin-ying Li. Intro. by David Punter., ' Gothic Crossings: Medieval to Postmodern. Eds. Ya-feng Wu and Hsin-ying Li. Intro. by David Punter., National Taiwan University Press. 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2001.03, '勞倫斯專章, ' 歐洲文學史, 北京大學出版社.
  • 陳音頤, 1999.05, '勞倫斯:虔誠的性愛《查特來夫人的情人》中外出版史, ' 《中央日報》閱讀副刊, 中央日報.
  • 陳音頤, 1999.03, 'Norm and Power in the Productoin and Reception of the 1936 Chinese Translation of Lady Chatterley''s Lover, ' A Collection of Papers Published at the second International Conference on Translation, National Normal University.
  • 陳音頤, 2006, ' 「迷宮和負寫的沈澱,捕捉市景的幻影:伊恩辛克萊的倫敦近作」 (NSC95-2411-H-004-050), ' 國科會.
  • 陳音頤, 2005, '2005-2006.「盯梢東區:伊恩辛克萊和當代英國倫敦文學」(NSC94-2411-H─004-052), ' 國科會.
  • 陳音頤, 2004, '「輕浮」、「濫情」的大眾女性毒物:文本消費、市景閱讀和世紀之交的倫敦城市小說, ' 國科會.
  • 陳音頤, 2003, '百貨公司夢想曲?──商品幻象、消費政治和吉辛、詹姆斯及吳爾芙的倫敦小說, ' 國科會. 參考連結
  • 陳音頤, 2002, '娼妓或玩家?景觀或觀者?軋馬路、視覺、女性及吉辛和哈妮絲的倫敦城市小說, ' 國科會. 參考連結
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